Tracy Dessert
Markham, ON L3R 3P9
Restaurant Categories
The go-to dessert for most Chinese restaurants tends to be a red bean soup. Beans? For dessert? Have no fear: Tracy Dessert is here to claim the throne of Chinese desserts in the GTA. The place is a popular late night Hong Kong (and sometimes Taiwanese/southeast Asian) dessert shop, with a menu just shy of 100 items. Nearly every one is a cheap eat under $10, with many dessert items (yes, even the red beans!) and a few late night snacks (fried octopus, anyone?). At $5.45, there’s #48: sweet, creamy mango that’s been cut up, blended and sweetened then mixed with tiny pearls of tapioca. Served in a bowl, it’s topped with chunks of mango and,to finish it all off, a sprinkle of pomelo for a touch of tartness and texture. From shaved ice to deep-fried milk cubes, Tracy Dessert's exciting dessert options will keep everyone, and their nuanced palate, coming back to try something new each time.