What I Wore: silk overalls and platinum blonde hair extensions for a fierce daytime look

Sometimes, the only good answer to accessorizing in the summer is a good weave. And why not? You’ve gotta find some way to make a ponytail look more interesting after a while.

In my case, I’ve turned to an added three feet of platinum blonde tresses. While it may be deceiving, it helps me achieve a hair colour I’ve longed for ever since I first laid hands on a Malibu Barbie. Not to mention it also has the added benefit of not frying off my natural brunette locks in the application process.

Here, it has made a laid-back daytime outfit undeniably fierce. It is a look that I like to think could have made me a shoo-in to replace Willow Smith and whip my hair around like nobody’s business.

Aside from my hair, I must shed light on these amazing silk overalls, made by local line Label. Most people think that overalls are just for kids, but how many kids do you see walking around in silk overalls? Just this one. Without this piece in my wardrobe, I simply do not know what I would have done all summer (considering I’ve hardly taken it off since I got it). 

Naturally, pairing the look with trusted, colourful Converse is my only answer to being told I dress like a child.


What I Wore: gold sunglasses, coming soon to ShopNowhereland.com; silk overalls by Label; buck bag by Roots; shoes by Converse

Gracie Carroll is a Toronto-based freelance writer whose work has appeared in ELLE UK, ELLEcanada.com, Plaid magazine and FILLER magazine. Keep up with her daily blog at www.graciecarroll.com.

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