Weekend Warrior: Waterfront Night Market, Hot & Spicy Food Festival, Brazilfest, Thrill of the Grill and more


Care to dine on deliciously authentic Asian cuisine under the stars while looking out at the lake this weekend? Okay, so maybe a street food festival isn’t the ideal atmosphere for romance, but the third annual Waterfront Night Market isn’t exactly your typical food fest. An array of authentic Asian offerings will be available well into the night, with other festivities including three-on-three basketball and nightly screenings of contemporary Asian cinema.

Water, please

The 15th annual Hot & Spicy Food Festival at Harbourfront Centre promises plenty of music, shopping and of course, lots and lots of food — including a taco contest and an Iron Chef competition. However, the best entertainment for spectators might come from the reactions of the culinary daredevils who decide to push their taste buds to the limit.

Viva Brazil!

If you prefer your festivals to be quiet, monochromatic, dull affairs, then the Toronto International Brazilfest isn’t for you. The country’s largest Brazilian cultural event will bring the passion through vibrant food, music and dance. Word to the wise for the 19-and-over crowd: be sure to try out a glass of caipirinha, Brazil’s national thirst-quenching cocktail.

Still hungry?

If the Hot & Spicy Food Festival and the Waterfront Night Market don’t completely satisfy your appetite this weekend, how about some barbecue ribs? The Thrill of the Grill event is offering up a tasty platter that includes six ribs, six coleslaw samples, a water bottle and some beer and wine samples for just $12. Don’t blame us if your waistband feels a little tighter come Monday morning — we’re just the messengers!

T.O. gets electronic… Again

A summer that has already seen its share of electronic music blast its way through town (Digital Dreams, Skrillex) will bring another wave on Saturday with the Identity Festival at Echo Beach. The all-day festival will see some of the world’s best electronic artists, including Eric Prydz and Nero, take to three different stages to serve up their own unique music mix.

“Rise” and shine

Movie lovers and comic books fans don’t need to be told that Dark Knight Rises, the third and final installment of Christopher Nolan’s gritty take on the Batman franchise, hits theatres this weekend. Already gaining all kinds of hype in advance of its release (thanks to a few thrilling trailers) the blockbuster will surely be playing to packed movie houses throughout the city.

Article exclusive to STREETS OF TORONTO