Wednesday in T.O.: CBC Craft Sale, Voices For Hope

In case you didn’t know, today is International World Aids Day. In support, drop by the CBC craft sale during the day or attend an evening concert, or both. Here are’s things to do on Wednesday.

CBC Charity Craft Sale

The 16th annual craft sale brings together more than 60 creators of gift-worthy art, pottery, jewelry, and baked goods. The handmade crafts will be on display in the CBC Atrium from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission is free and all proceeds from table vendor fees (and any donations) go to UNICEF to support child protection around the world, which includes HIV prevention and testing for mothers and children.

Canadian Broadcast Corporation, 250 Front St., 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Voices of Hope for World Aids Day

What do the St. Michael Catholic School Choir, a drag performer, an aboriginal drummer, and a pyrotechnic electric violinist have in common? They are all performing tonight in Voices for Hope at the Queen Street Metropolitan United Church. The event is run by Cassey House in collaboration with Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation in Vancouver and Le Maison du Park in Montreal. Tom Allen of CBC Radio2 will host the concert. A donation of $20 is suggested.

Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. E., 7 p.m.


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