Traditional trattoria launches high-tech wine pad

Vito Marinuzzi is trying to take 7numbers paperless, moving menus onto painted chalkboards — and moving wine and cocktail lists onto iPads.

"We’re pretty old school in the way we do things and we thought we’ll go totally opposite on some of the stuff, like the wine list," Marinuzzi tells

Between the owner’s two locations, he has a total of 10 digital devices. Now that customers can read about wines tableside, Marinuzzi’s hoping they’ll be drawn to selections they wouldn’t otherwise try.

After a weekend test drive, he says customers are already raving about it.

They’ve found it easy to navigate and read (especially under restaurant lighting).

It’s one of only a few Toronto venues to offer customers a digital rundown. Not bad for an “old school” restaurant.

Marinuzzi’s hoping to add coffees and desserts to the iPad eventually, maybe menus as well (on quieter nights).

The list’s 50 or so selections change weekly, featuring mostly Canadian and Italian wines. With winter nearing, big, heavy reds are back, says Marinuzzi. He recommends a Primitivo from Puglia, which comes from 60-year-old vines.

Remote access to the wine list is coming, but isn’t available yet.

7numbers, 516 Eglinton Avenue W., (416) 322-5183 or 307 Danforth Ave., (416) 469-5183



Article exclusive to STREETS OF TORONTO