Restaurant Directory - Streets Of Toronto




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  • In my opinion, Bosnian cuisine is a rarity in the GTA, and youโ€™d be hard pressed to find a restaurant that serves authentic fare if you donโ€™t know someone who's from the Balkans. Luckily, thereโ€™s Mak European Delicatessens, where tasty cevapi are not too far away.

  • Sanja Topiฤ‡ Zukanoviฤ‡ and Alen Zukanoviฤ‡ fulfilled a lifetime dream by opening Somun Superstar, a small sandwich shop serving up authentic Bosnian somun bread and sandwiches. Somun is a wood-fired bread, pillowy and deliciously chewy, with a thin crust. Get it as part of a ฤ‡evapฤiฤ‡i sandwich and be transported to the streets of Sarajevo