Toronto comics fare not too shabbily at this year’s Canadian Comedy Awards

If you follow any Canadian comedians on Twitter, you probably know that the Canadian Comedy Awards were held at Toronto’s Royal York hotel on Sunday night. Thanks to the inundation of hashtag #CCA2012 in our feeds, it’s obvious that not only are Canadians funny people, but we’re proud of it, too. (And if you’re not following Canadian comedians, then it’s about time you did.)

The Halifax-based comedy troupe Picnicface swept the night, collecting six awards for both its now-defunct TV show and its movie, Roller Town. The eight-member troupe was also named best ensemble.

Toronto’s Falcon Powder took home the Best Sketch Troupe award.

“We were honoured and touched to be named Best Sketch Troupe. I know that sounds pretty cookie cutter, but I really mean it,” cast member Scott Montgomery tells us via email. “There's a tremendous generosity of spirit in the Canadian comedy community, a sort of ‘we're all in this together’ attitude that seems to grow more pronounced all the time. For my money this is the kind of good thing you can never get enough of, and we're just happy to be a part of it.”

The Best Improv Troupe honours went to Vancouver’s The Sunday Service while Best Male and Female Improviser went to Toronto's Matt Baram and Calgary's Rebecca Northan. Northan’s Blind Date also won for Best Comedic Review.

The stand-up honours went three Toronto-based comics: Steve Patrick Adams for Best Stand-Up Newcomer, Kristeen von Hagen for Best Female Stand-Up and Ron Sparks for Best Male Stand-Up.

“It's a cliche but a true one — it was an honour just to be nominated with those guys,” Sparks tells us. “It's amazing how many talented people there are in this country, and it's great the CCAs allow us to see each other every year. I don't think I'll ever eclipse this win so I'm probably going to retire now.”

The rest of the winners can be viewed here. But, first, we recommend watching the Best Web Clip winner, Riverdale: Archie Movie Trailer.

Many of the award winners have been featured in our regularly-appearing Meet a Comedy Troupe and Meet a Comedian posts. Check them out:

Falcon Powder
Ron Sparks

Kristeen von Hagen

The National Theatre of the World

Article exclusive to STREETS OF TORONTO