Tony Aspler’s Weekly Wine Pick: Featherstone Gewürtztraminer 2011

Gewuฬˆrztraminer is the Shredded Wheat of wine: you either love it or you hate it for its overpowering perfume. I love it, especially the Featherstone made in Niagara, which is very Alsace in style. The 2011, now at Vintages outlets, has that characteristic grapefruit, lychee and rose-petal nose. It’s off-dry, ripe and sensuous, soft on the palate with good length.

Food match: light curries or Thai food

$19.95, Vintages #64592

Tony Aspler is Post City’s wine columnist. He has written 14 books on wine and food and also created the Ontario Wine Awards. He can be heard on 680News.

Article exclusive to STREETS OF TORONTO