Stintz calls move to sign York Mills lease premature

TTC okays Hoggs Hollow as new home for headquarters

The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) recently voted to give staff the go ahead to sign a lease to relocate its headquarters to the northwest corner of Yonge Street and York Mills Road. It’s a move local councillor Karen Stintz said is premature.

The planning application for the proposed, eight-storey office building hasn’t been approved, and the issues it has raised still need to be addressed, she said. She reiterated concerns relating to the size and location of the development.

“It’s unclear the TTC’s needs can be met on that site,” said Stintz. “The challenge ahead of us is how to have a meaningful consultation process.”

Her worry is that, with the lease signed, residents will feel as though the proposed development is a done deal when it’s not, she said.

Andy Stephenson, president of the York Mills Heights Residents’ Association, said that his group’s main concern is the potential loss of parking, as the site is currently a commuter lot. He pointed to the reduced number of parking spaces  contained in the proposal, spots he said would likely be used by tenants.

Christine Acconcia, president of the York Mills Valley Association, said she’s pleased with the way things have proceeded. Build Toronto has hired a consultant, who she said has listened to residents’ concerns and kept them updated as to what’s happening.

“Unlike before, we feel like everything is following a due process,” she said.

Bruce Logan, Build Toronto’s director of communications and stakeholder relations, said the offer-to-lease deal will take about 30 to 45 days to complete. Public consultation on Build Toronto’s application for an eight-storey office building is slated to begin in December.

The TTC is also eyeing the ground floor of the proposed office building as a prospective location for an 18,300-square-foot, $5 million museum dedicated to the transit system.

Article exclusive to STREETS OF TORONTO