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Solve your gift-giving problems at Pistachio

It’s that time of year when gift giving is on everyone’s to-do list.

Where to find the perfect gift that is not a major strain on the environment of your wallet and the environment in general?

I must ask questions like: Is it wrapped in excess packaging? Will it end up in the back of someone’s “knick knacks that I never intend to use” drawer or buried in landfill diverted to Michigan?

These questions are not those of an easy-going, anything-will-do type shopper. That, I will never be. I prefer to make my life more difficult this time of year.

But there is one store that I feel very good about patronizing. Pistachio solves all of my Christmas gift giving problems with a cool, green breeze.

The store sells everything that is healthy for the planet and they also try to buy things that are made as close to home as possible.

I love the Urban Salvage Platter, made in Toronto from reclaimed wood. They have a very cool “raw” edge and are great for both serving and cutting thru the mounds of cheese that I plan to serve.

I also spy some really great pop-up speakers by Econation. Theyโ€™re made of cardboard and ready to be decorated โ€“ all for only $14.99.

This would be perfect for that artistic, crafty type on your list. My daughter would slather mine with snowman stickers, her 3-year-old version of Santa and his reindeer, and tons and tons of sparkle glue with magazine decoupage depicting anything from high heel shoes to frozen peas… I will wait a few years to put this on my wish list.

One thing that I will be buying for her stocking this year is a few bottles of Piggy Paint. A fun assortment of colours for a water-based, kid-safe nail polish. They also carry an adult version made by Sula. These come in more adult colours, are chemical free, and actually peel off — so no chemical-based remover is needed!

I started shopping a bit early this year and stocked up on some boxes of Vosges Organic Peanut Butter and Pink Himalayan Sea Salt chocolates. This was unfortunate because they have somehow all disappeared and I am now forced to make my way back to this haven of green gifting and replenish my stock. They alone are truly worth the journey to the Yonge and Eglinton store.

We visited over the weekend, and my daughter had her picture taken with Santa! My fashionable three-year-old asked him for a black blanket with a pink eagle on it…. I was both happy (that she did not ask for a princess doll like all of her friends) and stressed (Where on earth do I find a black blanket with an eagle on it!?) But then that is exactly what the holidays are all aboutโ€ฆ a bit of stress and a bit of happy. Wishing you all a little bit of both that combine into some magical memory that you will cherish the whole year thru.

Happy Shopping and Happy Holidays!


Pistachio is located at 2433 Yonge Street and also at Yorkdale Mall.

Liisa Winkler is one of Canada’s biggest supermodels and mother of two beautiful children. Her blog appears bi-monthly at

Article exclusive to STREETS OF TORONTO