Since its launch five years ago, we’ve come to rely on lady lifestyle website She Does The City as a sort of online bible. From sex advice to guiding us to the best parties to profiling inspiring career women, it’s a one-stop shop. It’s the type of website we needed when we were teens. These days, with the demise of such Canadian teen publications as Fashion 18 and Teen Flare, we tend to wonder where the super-savvy new generation is sourcing its online information.
Behold She Does The City Teen, launched last week by, you guessed it, the same team behind She Does The City. The launch comes on strong with an interview with lead singer of The Fray, Isaac Slade, a list of the top alternative fashion magazines and a fashion feature of four wintertime looks. On top of it all, the site is encouraging Toronto teens to contribute on the regular. Got something to say? Get at them!