Rosehill Park’s off-leash bark may have bite

St. Albanโ€™s Square denied, and changes made to current parks

City council recently approved 29 new sites that meet the criteria for off-leash dog parks, but some other spots, such as St. Alban’s Square, weren’t so lucky. A public meeting to discuss the possibility of an off-leash area at Rosehill Resevoir is to be scheduled in 2010 although regular dog walkers in the area say at this point it doesn’t matter either way.

“As you can see, most of the people have their dogs off-leash,” said Jan Werner, who walks his border terrier regularly in the Rosehill Reservoir Park. As it stands, letting your dog roam could net you a fine ranging from $125 to $300. Included in the list were Sir Winston Churchill Park and Ramsden Park, which saw minor adjustments to off-leash hours and boundaries.

The new policy also permits non-neutered male dogs in off-leash zones and states that a fence is required for parks smaller than two acres. At nearby Eglinton Park, their off-leash application was denied due to the park hosting large numbers of activities and sports groups, recreational programs and summer camps, plus the sloped areas attract a large number of tobogganers.

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