Nōmads Restobar
Mississauga, ON L5G 1E3
Restaurant Categories
This TTC-style bar wants every wandering stranger to feel at home in the city. The tile walls finished with “Nōmads Station” decals and a TTC-painted doorway are so perfectly executed that your trip to the bathroom might be a bit discombobulating. Nōmads Restobar is a gathering place for people of all walks of life and from all points of the world to come together over a drink and a home-cooked (style) meal. The menu at Nōmads is just as globally influenced as the nomadic staff and style. With cultural dishes that span from Japan to Italy and all the way to Mexico, it seems the entire map is represented on the menu. Try the Wanderlust board, where the chef prepares a mix of globally influenced snacks that makes the idea of world peace seem a little more fathomable.