Proposal could add hotel, high-rise to area

Development calls for loss of seven affordable housing units

A new development proposal could add a high-rise residential tower and hotel to Yonge Street.

The Centrium at North York project for 5220 to 5254 Yonge St. at Yonge Street and Ellerslie Avenue proposes a 15-storey, 156-suite hotel and a 29-storey, 243-unit residential tower on a four-level base podium. The proposal also calls for the demolition of seven affordable housing rental units with no replacement rental housing to be provided.

Coun. John Filion said that strict guidelines exist for replacing affordable housing.

“The developer will have to address it, and there’s fairly stringent city policies on that,” he said.

Filion said that while residents who have been active in establishing the official plan would likely support the proposal, other residents would likely have concerns.

“We’re tired of towers,” said Marion Lick, president of the Willowdale Central Ratepayers Association. “I’ve lost half of my afternoon sun.”

A final report and planning meeting is targeted for spring 2010.

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