Pro athletes questioned in area doctors case

Dr. Anthony Galea, a Toronto sports medicine specialist and former director of the Clinic for Sports Medicine at North York’s Fitness Institute, is in hot water as United States federal agencies continue investigating his alleged distribution of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) to high-profile athletes — an investigation confirmed by Galea’s lawyer Brian Greenspan.

“We’re quite confident that, if everyone tells the truth, then we’ll see this is much ado about nothing,” said Greenspan.

Most recently, Tiger Woods said his agent had been contacted by U.S. federal investigators and that he would be willing to comply with an interview.

Woods has publicly declared that he never received illegal human growth hormone (HGH) or PEDs from Galea, but that the Canadian doctor only performed a legal “blood-spinning” therapy to help speed the healing of Wood’s injured knee and Achilles tendon.

Federal investigators have also attempted several times to meet with New York Yankees baseball star Alex Rodriguez to discuss the relationship between the athlete and the doctor, but Rodriguez and his lawyers have delayed those meetings.

The delays have aroused public curiosity about whether Rodriguez did perhaps receive PEDs from Galea. “I can assure you Dr. Galea did not engage and has never engaged in the use of performance enhancing drugs,” said Greenspan. “He is a healer.… Professional athletes come to him in the hopes of returning to the playing field as soon as possible.”

Steve Roest, president and owner of the Fitness Institute, said while Galea hasn’t worked for the clinic for more than a year, he is a capable specialist. “I think he’s probably one of the best doctors ever. Everyone I talk to says the same thing, he’s a fabulous doctor,” said Roest. “I trust him completely.”

Galea, in addition to working at the Fitness Institute, has also been a team physician with the Toronto Argonauts and is founder of Toronto’s I.S.M. Health and Wellness Centre. His office was raided last year after American authorities discovered illegal drugs and medical supplies in a car driven by his former assistant.

Galea is currently facing four criminal charges in Canada related to distribution of HGH and PEDs, in addition to the current investigation under U.S. federal authorities.

Article exclusive to STREETS OF TORONTO