Lauren and Nicole Peters in action on the Amazing Race Canada

Meet the amazing Peters twins killing it on The Amazing Race Canada

Lauren and Nicole Peters, straight out of the Greater Toronto Area, have been tearing up The Amazing Race Canada this season. But there is more to these identical twins than just reality TV. The duo are actors with a new movie on the way, water ski and wakeboard athletes on Team Canada and much more.

What made you want to compete on The Amazing Race Canada?

“We used to watch it growing up with our grandparents, and it was always something we thought would be really cool. But then we kind of got busy with other things and forgot about it. But this year, the opportunity came up, and we were like, you know what? We love adventure. We never say no to something new. So we’re like, yeah, why the heck not, let’s do it.”

I wanted to ask you about that gross out food challenge, I think it was pig brains and testicles. You didn’t even bat an eye.

“That’s the one scene everyone actually said that to us, but it’s kind of true. Sure, it was gross. Don’t get me wrong, I would not go out of my way to eat that ever again. But part of us, we just thought, we have to do this, may as well not complain. Do it quick and get out of there. Nicole and I are very competitive. We want to win”.

Did you do any prep for the show?

“There were lots of people who prepped a ton, working out every day, learning new skills and new things. And we were laughing because the weekend before we were scheduled to fly back to Canada to film this, we were partying at the Coachella Music Festival, and we got there at the last possible second. And then we looked at each other and said, oh shoot, I wonder if we should have maybe prepped for this.”

Lauren and Nicole Peters in action on the Amazing Race Canada
Lauren and Nicole Peters in action on the Amazing Race Canada

What did you learn about yourselves through this experience?

I think we knew, Lauren and I, our whole lives have always been really big on just never giving up. Even if we’re not the most prepared or skilled at something, we just will not give up. So we’ll always somehow pull something off. But seeing each other compete in The Amazing Race, it kind of reaffirmed that even more. We are very determined. We feel that grit.”

What do you love about summers in Muskoka?

“I think the energy up there in the summertime, nothing beats it. I think one time someone said this,’ Nobody does summer like Canada,’ and I feel like it’s so true. And especially Muskoka. Just the community, the fun being on the water all day — we loved always trying out new water sports, and just pushing that to the limits, and then listening to country music, being on the dock, just the whole vibe and energy of being up north and doing what we love.”

Sounds like it’s a second home.

“We’ve been going up all summer every single day since we were born. And our first summer job was working at an ice cream shop. And then we worked as servers. Ever since we were little, we would always watch the ski shows in Bala. We were always like, we want to be in that ski show one day. And whenever Nicole and I set our minds to something, or whenever we see something that we want to do, we just make it happen.”


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What can you tell me about the new movie you have coming out, Twin Lies, on Tubi?

“So the new movie, and I’m not even being biased, it’s really good. It is out in the United States, and then it’ll be out in Canada in the next couple months. We’ve done acting our whole lives, and whenever we get to do a role, we do single stuff, but whenever we get to do a role as twins, we love it. It’s amazing. And we’ve done some really big projects before, but this one was super cool how we could both be the main characters in this big project.”

What would you say to young people you’re inspiring?

“I think our kind of motto is always, there’s no dream too big. I just think if you want to go for something, just go for it. Don’t be scared. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out, but at least you can say you tried. Don’t limit yourself.

Article exclusive to STREETS OF TORONTO