Meet a Comedy Troupe: The Weaker Vessels

The Weaker Vessels are a new “transatlantic sketch troupe” featuring graduates from The Second City training centre. With the group set to perform its first-ever show next week, member Charlie Booth says the show is bound to be unpredictable: “We’ve got an hour’s worth of sketches and none of them have ever been performed in front of an audience. Maybe we just get off on risk; maybe we’re just idiots.”

We chatted with Booth about the group’s individual talents, sailing ships and who, exactly, the “weaker vessel” of the group is anyway.

How did you guys get together?
We were all in different Conservatory groups at The Second City [training centre]. Originally the troupe was Colin [Sharpe]’s brainchild, but it grew over a few months into the four-headed monster it is today. A couple of heads fell off along the way.

How did you come up with your name?
Colin claims it popped into his head while reading The Birth Of The Modern World. I think it works because, as the name implies, none of us is the archetype of robust masculinity (or some other pretentious fluff used to justify an arbitrary decision).

How would you describe your style?
I’d say our variety is one of our strengths. Allan’s style is rooted in his clown work; Colin veers towards the surreal; Jeff produces really anarchic schtick; my stuff is more grounded. If you don’t take to one sketch, something completely different is probably up next in the running order.

Name each of your top individual talents.
Colin has a thousand mile stare of brooding intensity, which is balanced by Jeff’s ability to make his facial expressions look completely vacant. Allan is great at looming large, whereas I’m great at looming small. Becky has an actual talent with the ukulele.

What’s the most outrageous sketch you’ve ever performed?
Since we’ve never performed any of this stuff live, we’ll have to leave it to our audiences to decide what’s the most outrageous sketch. Having said that, there’s a bit in the show that uses a Carpenters’ song in an unexpected way. That’ll probably turn some heads. Maybe a few stomachs.

Who would you most like to perform with?
Allan would really like to perform with his mother. If she was really great at it, he’d freak out with joy. Everyone else picked Allan’s mother.

If you could sail a ship anywhere, where would you go?
To the front of the ship, otherwise we couldn’t see where we were going.

Who would be the captain of the ship?
Our director, Frank McAnulty, drunk at the wheel.

Who’s the ‘weaker vessel’ of the group?
Definitely me. You could snap me like a twig.

What’s next on the horizon?
After the onslaught of putting together this hour of material, we’re going to take things slow by coming up with a brand new, full-length show for December. At the moment, we’re trying to combat inherent laziness and be as prolific as possible. It’s a tactic from the “fail quicker, fail harder” school of thought. 

The details

Year established: 2012
Cast members: Charlie Booth, Jeff Clark, Allan Cooke and Colin Sharpe with special guest performer Becky J. Johnson
Influences: A Bit of Fry & Laurie, Not The Nine O’Clock News, Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, The Kids In The Hall, the more obscure works of Ingmar Bergman
Catch them at: The Annex Live, 296 Brunswick Ave., 416 929 3999. August 2-4

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