Drinking local, mico-brewed beer is all the rage in Toronto these days, but how about beer injected with pure Canadiana? (And no, we don’t mean poutine.) According to The Star, a Danish beer that arrived on LCBO shelves last week is infused with Ontario maple syrup.
Known as La Granja Espresso Stout, the dark beer also contains another breakfast staple, coffee beans, which makes us think this could replace Colt 45 as our morning libation of choice. Maple syrup is added after fermentation, resulting in a beer with “an aroma of coffee and a hint of maple,” the Star says. Judging from the ingredients, we probably could have inferred that, but the beer sounds interesting nonetheless. And Ontario is apparently the only place in the world with the maple syrup version of the beer.
All of this has us wondering how much street cred we could earn by drinking this. What’s more Canadian: Mike Duggan‘s or Maple syrup?