Local politician fights council to quash bylaw

Ward 2 councillor Carmine Perrelli to take claim to court in August

A local councillor is taking the Town of Richmond Hill to court Aug. 15 to reverse a new bylaw that places limits on residents’ meetings.

Coun. Carmine Perrelli said that, when a majority of Richmond Hill Town Council voted to approve the motion — which forces any councillor holding any residents’ meeting to invite all of council and various staff — it did not have the power. After several attempts to scratch the bylaw, the Ward 2 councillor said he decided to use his own money to fight the act. “This is in the best interest of the town,” he said. “I’m protecting the rights of the residents to meet with me in private.”

If all the people invited to attend an informal meeting were to show up, a councillor would breach the Municipal Act by default.

According to town clerk Donna McLarty, if five or more councillors attend a meeting, it is deemed a formal public meeting and would have to be called off if it does not meet requirements such as ample prior notice.

Richmond Hill Town Council met to discuss how it will handle the cost of defending the bylaw in court.

If Coun. Perrelli wins his action, he will try to recoup his legal costs from individual councillors.

Article exclusive to STREETS OF TORONTO