Is Rosedale ready for horse? Apparently not

When the newest addition of the Terroni family opened in Rosedale earlier this year, we couldn’t help but wonder if the area was prepared for carpaccio di cavallo (a.k.a. horse meat). The answer is neigh, apparently. Terroni Bar Centrale has decided to quit horsing around and has pulled horse meat items from its menu. Talk about an epic foal-ure (we just can’t help it with the horse puns).

According to the Town Crier, the hotly contested dish sparked “hundreds of complaints from customers and activist groups.” Our food critic Christine Cushing was on to something when she said the dish could draw attention to the new Rosedale eatery, but unfortunately for Terroni, the attention is hardly worthy of the winner’s circle.

While horse meat is widely accepted in places like Europe, Rosedale has spoken. It’s time to giddy-up, horsey.

UPDATE: While we confirmed with Terroni Bar Centrale that horse had indeed been pulled off its menu, owners did not get back to us with a comment until Friday evening. This is the statement we received from Terroni:

"We are not short on controversy with our philosophy at Terroni so we do not hide from it. This decision would have been made purely on sales like any other item on any of our menus. The reasons stated in the article in Town crier are completely inaccurate & false [sic]."

[Town Crier]

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