For Seán Cullen, T.O. means hooch, heights and hockey

Each month, weโ€™ll ask a local luminary what he or she would do with one last night in Hogtown

Last call

For my last city drink, I would probably go to Crush on King — the wine bar where my wife and I shared our first drink together. I would have a whisky. She would have a kir royale. It was close to her work (she was working for Canadian Idol at the time). It’s a nice exposed-brick venue with really nice food. Just a nice place.

Last supper

I think I would go have a meal at Cowbell in Parkdale. It’s got this really great 100 kilometre radius menu — locally made food, beautiful food. It changes all the time. They have really great charcuterie plates, great burgers as well, great atmosphere.
Really nice local restaurant. They do all their own butchery. If  they were willing to make me anything, I would have this lavender dessert, a crème brûlée I had there once that I loved.

Last of the big spenders

I would splurge on a leather jacket at this store called M0851 around Bay and Bloor. It’s a leather place. They do all kinds of bags and things. I’ve always wanted to buy something there.

Last crime

I would build a giant ape robot that would climb up the CN Tower. Once at the top, this ape would throw giant coconuts at the city, which would subsequently burst open and be full of candy. They might crush someone’s home, but at the very least there would be candy everywhere.

Last dance

My wife and I would go to the Windsor Arms, a jazz night, and we’d dance to “Pennies from Heaven.” The dance that I would do would probably be something quite frenzied and violent.

Last good deed

I would find the guy I used to give money to all the time — his name was Frosty — around the icon at Wellington and Blue Jays Ways. I would give him a hundred dollar bill.

Last chance

If I had one last chance to do something that I’ve never done in Toronto, hmm. I’ve done so much. I’ve been to the zoo, I’ve been to Ontario Place, to the CN Tower.… Maybe I would take to the sewers and hunt alligators.

Last view

The Park Hyatt at Bloor and Avenue has a beautiful bar, and the  view from the balcony is stunning. I think I’d like that to be my last view.

Last from the past

My best Toronto memory that I would have to scribble down is the opening night of The Producers in 2003. It was just really fun, the atmosphere was amazing. Mel Brooks was there and was meeting us all for the first time. It was at the Canon Theatre. It felt like we were all at the centre of everything for a moment.

Last a lifetime

As a final souvenir, I would have to take a Toronto Maple Leafs hockey jersey. Yes, I’m a fan. 

Last words

If I could say but one last thing to my fellow Torontonians before leaving, it would be that no matter how much the rest of the country hates us, we’re still an amazing place to live.

Last act

I’d set off a bunch of firecrackers, drink whisky and parachute off the CN Tower. 

Article exclusive to STREETS OF TORONTO