Film centre tries to get neighbours on board

Lawyers look to strike agreement on reno plans before next OMB date

The Canadian Film Centre (CFC) is working to find a way forward with the neighbours who appealed its expansion plans to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). The proceedings got put on hold until Oct. 7 after city council called on everyone to sit down to try to come up with a solution. Barry Patterson, director of communications for the CFC, is optimistic that the discussions will lead to a positive outcome.

“We really would love to resolve this with the neighbours, and that’s what we’re in the process of doing right now,” said Patterson.

If the parties can meet this month’s deadline, the film centre expects to complete its repair and renovation project before $7.5 million in stimulus funds expire next March, he said.

Jane Pepino, the lawyer representing the neighbours at the OMB, said it was really a matter of consulting her clients. As abutting homeowners with restrictive covenants, their permission is required for these changes.

“We’re negotiating through this and attempting to find some solutions that will provide the ability for the CFC to proceed with most of their plans, while at the same time protecting future rights of our client.”

Article exclusive to STREETS OF TORONTO