Fausto Di Berardino is leaving Coppi Ristorante.
“He’s been retiring for six years,” says Alessandro Scotto, the restaurant’s long-time manager, with a friendly chuckle. “But now it’s official.”
Di Berardino, famous for flying in the season’s first white truffles fresh from Italy, opened Coppi nearly 20 years ago and had garnered a near- cult following from customers who loved his healthy, hearty Italian fare.
Now spending the majority of his time in his native Italy, Di Berardino is devoting his “retirement” to two projects: tending to his vineyard near Italy’s Maiella mountains and developing luxury villas in San Vito Chietino.
“He’ll be missed,” says Scotto, who calls Di Berardino the “father figure” of the restaurant. “But the Fausto philosophy will certainly live on.”
Coppi Ristorante is located at 3363 Yonge St.,416-484-0436.