Tom Green

Comedy legend Tom Green: TikTok OG and homesteader has a trio of new shows on Prime

It’s been a long-and-winding road since the days when Tom Green was humping moose on MTV and getting fired by Donald Trump for a drinking binge with Dennis Rodman. Green escaped Hollywood after more than two decades and squirrelled away on a farm he bought in the Ontario wilds. But, being Tom Green, he made a TV show about it. Well, not just one. There are actually three new Tom Green projects out on Prime Video including Tom Green Country, a documentary, and a stand-up special. We caught up with Green to find out all about it.

Why a farm?

So I moved back to Canada and found this farm out in nature. And I’m really loving it. It’s a whole new chapter in my life. And I think the one thing I never really expected was that I would get, you know, a mule and a donkey and horses — that’s something that’s been new to me. But over the last couple of years, since we filmed this, I’ve become very much attached and love this new lifestyle. I’m out here riding my mule through the wilderness every day, and I love it.

What was the hardest thing to get used to on the farm?

I’d say the biggest challenge has been learning to communicate with Fanny, this incredible mule that I have here now and will be part of the family here for a long time to come. I’d never really been an experienced rider. So to actually look after these animals is a lot of detail, and it’s something that I love doing.

Your dog Charlie is a star, where did he come from?

Charlie’s a rescue from the Bahamas, but I got her in California. It was again when COVID happened, and I was kind of isolating at home, and I thought, “You know what? I need to get another dog.”

And does she always join you onstage for your standup?

That’s why she’s so well behaved. I always bring her onstage. She’s probably the most seasoned standup comedy dog working today.

You started out doing prank videos, something that is now commonplace on TikTok and other social media apps. But you’re the OG, right?

Well, I’m still killing it on TikTok. I have 1.3 million followers.

And they are all following in your footsteps?

I did have the benefit of being one of the few people trying to do it back in the day. So you know, that made it a very unique thing, and it stood out. It is difficult to stand out today because there’s so much media and so many people sort of trying to do the kinds of things that I was doing back in the day on Rogers’s community cable.

Would you have followed the same path if you were coming up in the TikTok world?

I’m not sure that I would have done it. I might have tried to do something else, like become a farmer or something.

What are you hoping people take from the show?

I’m very proud of being Canadian and proud to be Canadian, and I love this country. I wanted to show off a different type of lifestyle in Canada that’s quite common up here, but maybe people around the world don’t necessarily associate with Canada. Especially today, with a lot of the misinformation in the world about Canada.

Article exclusive to STREETS OF TORONTO