Calling all pinball wizards: Toronto is attempting a world record tomorrow

Tomorrow, pinball will happen, and it will happen in great amounts. The Stratford Festival is setting up 100 pinball machines in the main lobby of First Canadian Place in order to a) attempt to break the Guinness world record for most pinball games played at the same time and b) promote Tommy the musical. Yes, it’s a media ploy. But it’s not a terrible one.

The pinball machines will be available for anyone to play, for free, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Not bad for a city that normally forbids more than two pinball machines in any place of amusement.

With any luck, this could end up as one of Toronto’s greatest records ever broken. Right up there with fastest duct-taping of a person to a wall.

Article exclusive to STREETS OF TORONTO